Latest Episodes

Ep.75-The Elul Mashal (Parable)
Have you ever heard of the Elul Mashal? In this episode Shlomo says a parable which can help us understand the High Holiday season....

Ep.74-A Tale of Two Tires
How can my prayers help the situation of another? Why does my Torah learning help another? In today's episode Shlomo discusses how even just...

Ep.73-Living to Eat or Eating to Live
Do you live to eat or eat to live? This question is something which affects every person. The intersection between the spiritual and the...

Ep.72- The Power of a Good Word
Do you feel good when others give you a compliment? Have you ever wished that people would give you some strength? In this episode...

Ep.71 Can't We All Get Along
Can't we all get along? Why do we not overflow with love and compassion for our fellow Jew? How do we rectify the sin...

Ep.70-Standing Up for What is Right
Where do you get the courage to stand up for what is right? How can you stand firm in your beliefs even when they...