How can my prayers help the situation of another? Why does my Torah learning help another? In today's episode Shlomo discusses how even just having genuine care and compassion for another can bring them a salvation. Today's Positive Perspectives is sponsored in the merit of a Refuah Shleimah for Shayna Penina bas Masoda. Subscribe to Positive Perspectives by Shlomo. Two minutes to a happier life. For questions or comments please email [email protected].
To listen to Shlomo's other podcast on Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) use this link-
What lesson in happiness can we learn from Queen Esther? How do we view our circumstances in life? In this episode Shlomo looks at...
What is the difference between real and fake happiness? When something good happens to us does that equal true joy? In this episode Shlomo...