Latest Episodes
Ep. 51-How to Be More Patient
Have you ever tried to be more patient? Is it difficult for you to wait for things? In this episode Shlomo gives practical tips...
Ep.50-Hold Your Horses
Have you ever heard the expression "hold your horses"? Has impatience ever effected decisions you have made? In this episode Shlomo discusses patience and...
Ep.49- How to Stop Being a "Worrywart"
Has anyone ever called you a "worrywart"? What advice does King Solomon give us on managing worry? In this episode Shlomo discusses the wisdom...
Don't Worry Be Happy
How does worry work? What can we do to control anxiety? In this episode Shlomo looks at worry and what we can do about...
A Lesson from Queen Esther
What lesson in happiness can we learn from Queen Esther? How do we view our circumstances in life? In this episode Shlomo looks at...
Happiness and The Month of Adar-Part 2
Where does the word Adar come from? What does it have to do with being happy? In this episode Shlomo discusses the word "adir"...