Where does the word Adar come from? What does it have to do with being happy? In this episode Shlomo discusses the word "adir" which means strength and how it teaches us an important lesson on staying happy. Subscribe to Positive Perspectives by Shlomo. Two minutes to a happier life. For questions or comments please email [email protected].
To listen to Shlomo's other podcast on Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) use this link-
Have you ever heard of the Elul Mashal? In this episode Shlomo says a parable which can help us understand the High Holiday season....
Have you ever heard of the expression "Nothing stands in the way of a strong will"? What trait can we learn from the wild...
Do you live to eat or eat to live? This question is something which affects every person. The intersection between the spiritual and the...