Ep.82-Life is a Marathon

December 15, 2021 00:03:03
Ep.82-Life is a Marathon
Positive Perspectives by Shlomo
Ep.82-Life is a Marathon

Dec 15 2021 | 00:03:03


Show Notes

Have you ever ran in a marathon? It is the race that has become the ultimate test of endurance and strength. Even if you have never run a race we all are running in the marathon of life. In this episode Shlomo discusses the lessons he has learned while training for his first marathon. On January 11th 2022 he will be running in the Rabbis Can Run 10k marathon in Florida. To help Shlomo reach his goal of raising 3000$ for the benefit of Olami please use the link below to donate. Subscribe to Positive Perspectives by Shlomo. Two minutes to a happier life. For questions or comments please email [email protected].
To listen to Shlomo's other podcast on Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) use this link-

How far can a Rabbi run? The answer to that question is 6.2 miles(10k). Please help support Rabbi Kohn as he trains to run in the Rabbis Can Run Marathon which will take place on January 11th 2022. All donations are tax deductible and support the work of Olami. To donate use this link https://thechesedfund.com/rabbiscanrun/rcr2022/teams/rabbishlomokohn

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