Did you ever thank the person who packs your parachute? The people who do the small things that keep everything going. In this episode Shlomo discusses a lesson from the weekly parsha on the importance of every individual. How every person is a world of their own. Subscribe to Positive Perspectives by Shlomo. Two minutes to a happier life. For questions or comments please email [email protected].
To listen to Shlomo's other podcast on Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) use this link-
Where does the word Adar come from? What does it have to do with being happy? In this episode Shlomo discusses the word "adir"...
What is so bad about gossip? How can it ruin many lives in one fell swoop? In this episode Shlomo discusses the Avaira(sin) of...
Do we value how much saying hello can do for another? Do we know that we can mean the world to another? In this...